Labels:crt screen | hakham | monitor | reckoner | sky OCR: 678 SECTION CHAPTER 1.2 What is a fourth-generation language? In 1969 computer scien- tists began to develop high-level languages, called fourth-generation lan- guages which more closely resemble human languages or natural languages, than op third- -generation languages. Fourth-generation lan- guages, such as SQL and RPG, eliminate many of the strict punctuation and grammar rules that complicate third-generation languages. Today, fourth-generation languages are typically used for database applications. FIGURE 12-6 single SQL command such as SORT TABLE Kids on Las tname, can single command written in a replace many lines of third -generation code as shown in Figure 12-6. fourth-generation language can replace many lines of third gen- eration SORT TABLE Kids on Las tname code. PUBLIC SUB Sor ...